Bumper Stickers Worth Sharing [BSWS?]
Bumper Stickers Worth Sharing [BSWS?]
seems like a worthy addition to LocalsGuide.
i’ve always had a hunch that one of the best places to
feel the “pulse” of the Real rogue valley is at Blackbird in
Medford. on a recent trip there w/ my kids, i saw this bumper
sticker in their parking lot:
feel the “pulse” of the Real rogue valley is at Blackbird in
Medford. on a recent trip there w/ my kids, i saw this bumper
sticker in their parking lot:
“EARTH FIRST!…then we log the other planets”
anyone else see anything worth sharing?
here’s 1:
“You call me BITCH, like theres something wrong with that!?”
here’s a goody:
“Do NOT Make Me Open This!” [next to image of a Can of Whoop-Ass]
“Why do we kill people who kill people, to show that killing people is Wrong?”
“If Ignorance is Bliss, Why aren’t more People Happy?”