
Beginnings are so important!

Deep in my midwife bones, I know this is what it is all about….

When a pregnant mom walks into our prenatal space, my eyes see a “mama-baby.”  No separation.  We protect and nourish baby by nourishing and supporting mother. We think of her as mama-baby.   No separation; right from the beginning.

This template of unity thinking/no separation extends right through the birth, the immediate postpartum and the first weeks and months of the baby’s life.
The first two hours after birth are an especially CRITICAL PERIOD for the baby/mother pair.  We know that immediate mother/baby skin-to-skin contact facilitates early breastfeeding, increases milk supply, helps babies adapt and mature physiologically, keeps babies warm, and has long term effects on the mother-child relationship.  This sensitive period sets our neurobiology – the architecture of our neural pathways.  Baby’s brain template is set for a program of “nourishment/safety” rather than one of “protest/despair” (that comes with separation).  The specific hormonal set-up nature provides at this time will never happen again for this mother and this baby.  Midwives know we secure wellbeing by keeping the mother and baby together.

Three Sisters Midwives support postpartum well being with:

1.  Education

  • Couples can prepare together for an ecstatic birth with HypnoBirthing.  Benefits from this pre-birth preparation and bonding spill over into the birth and beyond.  Practicing relaxation together sets the foundation for a peaceful afterbirth experience for the entire family.
  • Plan for a safe birth at home, in a familiar environment, with your familiar caregivers, where calm and confidence are the dominant paradigm.  (Additionally, this choice increases safety by decreasing risk of exposure to potentially harmful bacteria in settings outside the home.)
  • Plan to receive baby together.  Father/Partner-newborn bonding is amplified, providing energy for the important work ahead of raising a child.
  • Decline cord clamping until pulsing has stopped.  Evidence shows that a newborn needs all of her blood for optimal transition to life outside the womb.
  • Imagine skin-to-skin contact from the moment of birth and then do that.  Baby goes from your womb to your chest and stays there.
  • Plan for days of rest and family bonding without outside interruptions or rigid schedules.

2.  Client Care

  • Breastfeeding support from birth onward.
  • Herbs, homeopathics and “Placenta medicine” for ease of recovery and hormonal balance (more on this in a future posting).
  • In-home postpartum check-ups for mother and baby for the first six weeks so you can stay at home and rest.
  • Starting at the beginning, we can change the world.  We invite you to join our BabyMoon Project to help you create a postpartum plan tailored to your family’s unique needs.

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