
Dr. Scissor’s Cabinet of Curiosities Booth #1123

Unique Finds, Vintage Clothing, Handmade Accessories, Retro Décor, Kitchen Items Voodoo Dolls and more!

We are Dr. Scissor’s Cabinet of Curiosities, a mother/daughter junking duo! Our favorite pastime is going to yard sales or thrift stores and fishing out unusual things. However, our trash to treasure hobby was starting to get out of control and we found ourselves overrun with curio cabinets full of our vintage finds, kitschy goods, and unusual decorations. We decided to share our collection in order to make room for more goodies. Thus Dr. Scissor’s was born, and has been going strong for nearly seven years. Many people have asked about our name. We both have a passion for history, therefore the name and aesthetic was inspired by one of our historical obsession, old medicine shows and snake oil salesmen from the turn of the century, who traveled the country peddling their wares. Although we provide a wide range of items, we strive to supply our customers with products that are unique! We also have our staple handmade creations, such as the ever popular Voodoo Doll, as well as other felted friends. Because we are both artists and crafters (and struggle with the idea of sitting around doing nothing), we are constantly trying out new crafts and creating different handmade items for the Cabinet of Curiosities.

As of January, we have opened a second space toward the front of the store. This space features a monthly theme, from Around the World to our current “Take a Hike” camping theme. With the additional space, we are able to expand into selling vintage clothes as well as our usual home décor, vintage kitchen items, and handmade goods. The entire display and inventory of this booth will change each month so make sure you keep coming in to check it out! And for an inside scoop and sneak peak of the items we will be bringing in, make sure to follow and like us on Facebook and Instagram, @dr_scissors.

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Ashland Artisan Emporium

The Ashland Artisan Emporium is owned by Michelle Christian, wife and mother of 3 daughters. Her husband, Travis, is the business manager for Adroit Construction in Ashland, Oregon. The Emporium was the vision of Michael Rydbom, Michelle's father. In April of 2010, Michael asked his daughter if she would be willing to help transform the old DJ's Video space into a crafter's marketplace. Michelle had always admired her dad's entrepreneurial spirit and was eager to make him proud, so even though she already had two kids, a real estate career and one more daughter on the way, she said yes. On November 1, 2010, the store opened it's doors to a welcome reception from the community. They were voted Best New Business of 2010 only months later by the Ashland Sneak Preview. Within weeks of opening, the store was at capacity and had quickly become the "go-to" store for all things unique and affordable.

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