

Hey, we need your help to think up some good interview questions for Dave Wakling of the English Beat.  The best questions will win you free tickets to the show.. (you can win multiple tickets) 

We will then email the interview questions in two days to dave and our LocalsGuide member Curt Happy Boy will call on the phone to make sure he still wants to come to Ashland…. we will then post the results from Dave on the site.

Interview Questions 

1. What’s it like to be an old and aged rocker?

2. Do you ever need ginko to remember the lyrics

3. Ever need a cane to get up on stage? (maricks question) 

4. What color spandex do you most prefer?

5. Where do you get your hair done?

6. Do your dentures ever fall out when your singing?

7. What can we do to convince you to join the Dark Side?

8. Favorite type of sushi?

9. Favorite City in USA?

10. Favorite City Global?

11. What would your past employers say about you?

12. Boxers, Briefs or Commando (NO UNDIES )

13. Pepsi or Coke?

14. Ugliest Girl friend or Boy friend?

15. Who has the better dog, Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?

16. Shower before bed or in the morning?

17. Like Bush?

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