
Thriving with Cancer

Working alongside cancer patients for many years I’ve seen quite a few heart-wrenching moments. One such moment is the initial diagnosis of cancer, which can often be accompanied by no symptoms whatsoever. Thus, it can be a huge and abrupt life-altering moment in an otherwise “normal” life. Most of us have known someone personally with cancer and are familiar with the stigma of fear around the diagnosis. It’s primarily for this reason that we need to recognize that “cancer is only a word not a sentence.”

In today’s world, statistics favoring a long life beyond a cancer diagnosis continue to improve. With the right treatment protocol, a cancer diagnosis can actually lead to a better life overall. It’s hard to imagine, but I have had many patients who lose weight, become more active, improve their nutrition, and live life in a manner that brings about some of the greatest joys… all because they had that initial diagnosis.

That being said, I don’t want to undermine the complexity or the seriousness of a cancer diagnosis. It can be a difficult path to climb and there can be many hardships on the way. For some it may be the cause behind their transition from this life to another. This is why I have come to recognize the importance of an integrative approach to cancer care.

By combining the scientific advances of modern medicine with the ancient knowledge of traditional medical systems, we can bring about favorable outcomes, while also minimizing the side effects of chemo, radiation, and surgery.

I recently had a patient suffering from severe side effects of radiation. Although the radiation was necessary in this case, the side effects were extremely difficult to bear. Fortunately, the simple addition of an herb that has been used for thousands of years reduced the side effects significantly. My patient was deeply appreciative and will likely have a fantastic outcome.

No matter where we are on our journey through life, and even with a substantial diagnosis such as cancer… There is always hope. Hope exists within the latest chemistry and within the remedies of our ancestors. Hope is a light that stands with us even in the darkest of times and can bring about miracles that we may not yet know are possible.    

If you or a loved one has cancer, please consider calling Mederi Center at 541-488-3133 to schedule a new patient appointment with me. I would be honored to support you or your loved one with our effective Mederi Care approach to integrative cancer care.

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Mederi Center

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