
The Company We Keep

‘Tis the season for listing appointments and a lot of them. There is a lot of real estate activity in our community right now which is encouraging for home buyers and sellers alike. The buyers are getting more inventory to choose from and with that a better variety. Sellers are still seeing their homes fetch top dollar even with the rising interest rates and recession. 

In the last few weeks, we have been into homes we haven’t ever seen and welcomed by people we have never met. In our initial conversations we are learning about the prospective Buyer and Seller as much as they are learning about us and through conversation. It’s fun to see what has drawn them to reach out. Through this very column, our community has gotten to know a bit more about us. Sure, they see our faces around town decorating a variety of listings but through the LocalsGuide, not to mention living in this community since the mid 90’s, we have really gotten an opportunity to share our hearts and for that we are grateful. 

Countless times since Dyan and I became mothers, we have reminded our children “You are the company you keep.” If they hang out with kids who aren’t respectful to their parents, siblings or teachers, they likely will become less respectful. If they spend time with kids who use foul language, soon enough they will start swearing and likely without even realizing. Surrounding yourself with those who keep you accountable, support you and champion you is more critical than ever and the same is true for our business. In past columns we have talked about leaning on your invisible board of directors; ones who give you sound advice in the areas of your life where you aren’t the expert. 

In the last month, if the quality of people who have come into our lives is any representation of who we are as business owners, women or heck, even humans, we are most definitely doing something right. A short while back we were invited to a beautiful property on the outskirts of town and as we toured it with the owners, riding shotgun in their old jeep we both felt a tremendous sense of gratitude for them being drawn to us and also for their ability to really see who we are and what we are about. From the beginning, they acknowledged they were eager to show us their property, get to know us better and to see if they were the right fit for us. Let me say that again – if THEY were the right fit for us. Wow! Really?! I guess at least two people have been reading our column and really hearing what we write. 

Not only was their disposition on life right up our alley, Mr. Seller’s man cave is adorned with a sign that says, “Harden the F%$& Up” and we all laughed. What an honor to get to know people and for them to know they don’t have to put a front. 

Since that meeting, we have been blessed by several other invitations and we don’t mean blessed in the overused, rainbow and unicorn fashion. We mean, we have been absolutely honored to be chosen to represent homes, properties, families particularly in a community where these clients have some outstanding Realtor choices. We have some divine listings on the horizon and are truly honored to be chosen to play a role on these Sellers’ invisible board of directors. It’s something we don’t take lightly. 

It’s hard to find the right words to convey the gratitude we feel for the support we have had. It’s been over 21 years that I have been selling real estate in the Rogue Valley and more than 12 for Dyan; year after year we feel even more grateful for this community. We have loved this valley and it has loved us back no matter what season we were in. As newlyweds, as brand new moms, as law enforcement wives, as overwhelmed and frazzled shelter-in-place “teachers” to four kids under the age of 11… and the list goes on. So many of you have loved us, embraced us, watched us grow and lifted us up along the way. You’ve treated us like family, including having some tough conversations, but all was done from a place of mutual respect and admiration. In some situations, we collectively chose to part ways and that was just fine. We are the first to admit we aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but if we are; you have us for life – we can’t help it, it’s just how we are. 

As we dive into a hectic season, we want to thank you for supporting all the roles we play and being part and parcel of us to be the best versions of ourselves. It’s just the beginning. 

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DeAnna Sickler & Dyan Lane

DeAnna Sickler and Dyan Lane, Brokers 320 E. Main St. Ashland OR 97520 541-414-4663

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