
Alea Kent – Emotion Code & Body Code

Alea Kent, with Master’s level clinical therapy experience, has supported her clients using a wide variety of techniques for over thirty-five years. She is currently specializing in the Emotion Code and Body Code work. In today’s interview, we discuss these techniques and learn more about Alea’s simple, yet elegant, approach to removing blockages on many levels to promote deeper healing. Alea´s work can be done both in-person and remotely and offers options to many during this time of crisis.

Hi Alea, thanks for taking the time to speak to us today. How are things going for you amidst the huge changes we are having around the world?

I am staying curious. Curious about what the silver lining will be both for our country, the world, our community and for my family and me. I am coming from a place of little concern about actually getting this disease as I have been doing things for years that have promoted health in my body from physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. If you dig a little deeper into options, you can find many ways outside of what the medical community has to offer that have healed people from the brink of death from this disease within hours to a few days.

It is an interesting world we have now and part of my curiosity is how easy it will be for us as a culture to be able to move from our old paradigm into whatever this new world will become. We have the power to shape what it will be. I am curious about what will we choose.

Can you explain what the Body Code and Emotion Code are and what they do?

The Emotion Code is a small, yet powerful, part of Body Code. It deals with identifying and releasing emotions trapped in the energy bodies–also referred to as subtle, or inner bodies. These trapped emotions may inhibit or block forward movement in our lives, interfere with the free flow of energy in the physical body, impinging on muscles, nerves, organs, glands, ultimately cause physical illness. They can also interfere with our ability to think about and respond clearly to a situation, with the result being we have difficulties in creating the lives we want to live.

The Body Code takes a larger view, and looks not only at the emotional aspects of our bodies, but systems, toxins, parasites, misalignments, and lifestyles as well.  The program has over 260 detailed pages which outline a methodical approach to delving deeper and deeper into what may be causing challenges in our lives.  It includes not only physical aspects, but non-physical things like chakras, beliefs, memories, entities, and disconnections.  Also included are many other aspects of how our bodies are affected by the seen and unseen worlds around us. Once these root causes are identified, they are then released or balanced. At that point the body then finds it easier to do its normal job of healing itself.

Alea, please tell us a little bit more about yourself and your commitment to the healing path.

I am deeply committed to working with Spirit in this work. I request the spiritual guides of the client with whom I’m working to be present and guide the work. I also look to my own teachers and guides to train me to greater levels of skill.  I don’t necessarily think of myself as a healer, but more as a channel for Spirit.  It’s the combination of Spirit and body that do the healing. Removing the blocks is what allows them to do what they are naturally meant to do.

Alea, you have been noticing some interesting things coming up with your work since we last spoke. Please talk about this.

Yes. I spoke a little about it in our last interview but have since found out more information. I use muscle testing to test options, finding the way to the root cause of an issue. The program, along with my intuition has taught me that one of the options can be what I call a “mystery thing.” What I have found out about it is that the Spirit Guides working with the person I am working with have identified something that needs balancing or releasing and it is not in any of the 266 pages of the Body Code Program. I don’t have to identify specifically what it is; I just ask the Guides to do what needs to be done with it. I am now able to identify more quickly when this mystery thing is present. People are finding this very powerful.

The other thing I have learned over the last years of using this system is that there are waves that I believe are initiated by Spirit. This manifests as having a specific trapped emotion come up a lot with all my clients and myself for a period time and then drop back to a normal level after 3-6 weeks. I also see this in the Body Code. I still have more to learn about this and how it is benefiting us.

Can you talk about your one-on-one coaching you are now offering. Can this be done remotely?

The Emotion Code is easily learnable by anyone wanting to learn it. In fact, during this time of social distancing it is good option for working on yourself and your family. You can download a free starter kit to help yourself get started at

For some, learning muscle testing is the challenging part of learning this method and a coach is helpful. There are a number of ways to muscle test and, if someone wants to learn it, I can work with them until we find the method that works the best for them. Muscle testing is useful for so many things. I can use it to test supplements, foods, and what to eat at a particular meal. Sometimes our bodies may want a break from even healthy foods and muscle testing lets us know what, how much and how long.

I can teach it remotely, however in person is better. These days it may take some time for people to again feel safe meeting in person with me or others. Things you can do are to ask if people have been sick with the virus, if they have had contact with anyone that has had it, wearing masks, eating cleanly so our bodies have the tools for health, sleeping well and enough, exercise etc. These are all ways to assure oneself that there is safety out there when meeting with other people.

How do you see the practice evolving as you move forward?

Because I am committed to continuing to grow and learn with this process, it feels like the sky is the limit. Spirit is moving me forward in ways that continue to amaze and delight me. It is important to me to be of service in this world and this life. Being able to share the Body Code and watch people make changes toward a life that serves them well and continues to bring me joy.

Alea, during this time of pandemic how have you been working with your clients?

For the most part clients have chosen to work over the phone. However, some brave souls have felt safe to meet in person.

What are people needing help with right now? What is coming up for them?

Those that are attracted to work with me are often doing deep work unrelated to what is happening globally. This is one thing that is so important to know about the Body Code. It can be used for illness and pain, to strengthen systems, organs and glands in the physical body, but it is equally useful for delving deeply into personal paradigms that are not serving one well.

Some of these issues have recently included releasing the belief of deserving punishment, blocks to really taking care of oneself, saying yes to life, inner child work, releasing trapped emotions and blocks from a parent, allowing full access to the wonder of who one truly is and more.

Can you please share some customer testimonials with us?

Here are some things clients have shared about their work with me:

“Body Work has helped me to easily release fears, worries, stumbling blocks, negativity, traumatic events and memories, brain meltdowns, antiquated, unhealthy, negative self-thought forms. It has easily cleared old attitudes, patterns that kept me locked in the past… keeping me from doing (and being) what I was meant to do or be– All without heart-ripping “drama trauma.” They just simply “disappear”… are released, easily and painlessly.” 

– JR, Arizona

“Alea listens carefully, thoughtfully, and comes up with creative ways to help me resolve an issue and move to the next step.” 

– KM, Oregon

“I have so much energy, I went hiking twice last weekend, was a volunteer helping windsurfer students at my old club and also started swimming again. I had been putting off the accounting for my two businesses and then finished it in one day. I cannot believe I have done all of that!!  And this after being a couch potato with zero energy for the past 8 months!  Now I am planning on repainting walls and building a shelf this weekend! Just wanted to share!”    

– MA, California

“Alea is a sensitive, intuitive, highly professional as well as being a supportive human being. After many years of various forms of therapy and different spiritual paths, I somehow knew instinctively that some of my physical problems were not simply due to aging or needing better medications. When I read that as a traditional therapist, Alea felt she wasn’t really reaching the biochemical level she now had the ability to reach with the Body Code, I became interested. What if this was my opportunity to heal on that still deeper level? After several sessions of this amazing work, it became clear that it is indeed true.” 

– MT, Ashland

Are you offering any new trainings or workshops we should mention?

Yes, I am. There was a Co-op class scheduled in June, but because the class I teach is so hands on, it would be a real challenge to teach remotely. Look for an announcement from the Co-op for what will take its place.

And, I was delighted to be accepted as a presenter for Breitenbush Hot Springs Retreat Center. My workshop will be September 20-24. I will go deeply into teaching various ways to muscle test and make sure everyone attending feels comfortable using at least one form of testing. We will practice using muscle testing for foods, supplements and what ever else people would like to test. Then we will move on to learning how to do the Emotion Code. Finally, everyone will work on Heart Wall release. It will be great fun in a beautiful setting. Please contact me if interested or register with Breitenbush.

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Alea Kent

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