
Being Safe in Unsafe Times: COVID-19 Delta Variant

We are seeing a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, thanks in part to the Delta variant, as well as the continued unfounded resistance to vaccines. Admittedly, we are all a little fatigued with the way this virus is impacting our world. I thought a quick update on what we are doing here at Jones Family Dental to meet the challenge of providing care in a safe way. When I say safe, I mean safe for patients and safe for our team.

First you should know that we are compliant with the most current mandates for businesses in the healthcare setting in regards to COVID-19. In some ways we exceed the standards required.

First at JFD we try to limit treatment to healthy patients by healthy providers. All employees are on a strict order to stay home if any COVID-like symptoms are present. – we err on the side of caution. We screen all patients prior to attending an in-office appointment. We utilize “Zoom meetings” when appropriate for consultations. We take temperatures when employees and patients arrive. We require masks to be worn in the office at all times by all people whenever possible. The team utilizes N95 masks+surgical masks and full face shield wearing in the treatment areas. We limit the number of patients in the waiting area to a minimum, often staggering arrivals and dismissals. We are conscientious about cleaning and wiping down the environment that could contain germs – we do this several times a day. We utilize the most advanced air filtration in the waiting area along with shields and barriers to limit risk of infection.

While treatment is being performed we utilize both intra-oral and extra-oral vacuum systems. Here at JFD we are proud to be on the front edge of safety systems. During the initial lockdown in 2020 we realized that this virus could be around for a while and we wanted to do something about the aerosols that are created when we perform our dental treatment. We already utilize a highly effective vacuum system for the mouth but wanted something that would get the remaining aerosols that leave the mouth and remove them from the environment. With some help, we created an extra-oral vacuum system that can remove air and aerosols that escape from the mouth and are created while we work. These potentially infectious aerosols are then sent through filtration outside of the building where they are sent up into the air.

Like many of the problems we face in our complicated world today, we will all need to work together to solve the COVID pandemic. Mask wearing, vaccinations, and social distancing etc… at JFD we want you to know that we are doing our part.

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