
Self-Care for Whole Health

The essence of Whole Health Education is self-care. The true foundation of health is to know oneself and from that center, the desire for self-care is cultivated. Whole Health Coaching allows you to see and understand the aspects of your life which work together in either creating health and vitality or contributing to chronic illness and lack of energy. The Five Aspects of Health™, Physical, Emotional, Nutritional, Environmental and Spiritual all overlap. Awareness of how these aspects contribute to your wellness is the first step towards self-care. Some good questions to ask yourself are, “How is my level of emotional function affecting my physical health?”, “How is my work, home and social environment affecting my sleep, digestion and mood?”, “Are my social relationships affecting my nutritional health, which in turn contribute to chronic physical problems?”, “How do I create space for my spiritually?”, “Am I compulsively exercising and throwing my health out of balance on other levels?”, “What do I see when I look at the big picture of my life?”

To know ourselves and see our own big picture, it is essential to develop practices to quiet our over-active minds. In my coaching practice, in addition to evidence-based health education, I facilitate you in centering, grounding, focusing and quieting your mind, to become present with yourself and deeply relax. Techniques include, Relaxation Breathing, Gratitude Practice, Guided Imagery, Mantra/Positive Affirmation, Meditation, Mind-Body Medicine techniques, Progressive Muscle Relaxation and energetic practices.

All the above practices are simple, yet powerful. Following initial facilitation, they easily integrate into your daily life. Through practice, you discover which technique(s) are a natural fit for your lifestyle. Another option I offer and have found to be a powerful tool for self-care is Self-Reiki. Imagine being able to use your hands wherever you are, to calm, de-stress and put yourself in a blissful state of relaxation. I originally became a Reiki practitioner with the idea that I would be using it on others. I learned immediately, when practicing daily Self-Reiki, that I was soothing my over-activated Fight or Flight Response, giving my body deeply calming, healing energy. Daily Self-Reiki allows me to center in the healing warmth of my own hands. Many of the other practices I use such as gratitude, meditation, mantra and guided imagery have flowed directly into my practice of Self-Reiki. A simple 30 minutes upon waking or before bed, offer the gift of deep connection with myself. In this “Reiki” time, I see my bigger picture and often come to powerful realizations, finding the creative solutions I’ve been searching for.

I now offer half-day, “Reiki for Self-Healing” classes, with the focus on self-care, rather than treating clients. Additional benefits of Reiki include, immune, pain and sleep support; blood pressure regulation, easing medication side-effects, assisting in surgery recovery and healing; removing blocked energy and increased vitality.

Call me and check out my website to learn more about my Coaching Sessions, Reiki Healing Sessions and Reiki Classes.


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