
Steps 4 Malawi Thank You For Your Support







             Building a new bridge for the community!

Chisomo Lazaro. Chisomo is a 28 year Malawian who lost his right arm in an industrial accident in 2011. He has farmed and raised a cow through which he was able to pay for his first semester of college. We assisted Chisomo with funds for his entrance exam and transport to college. He has nothing else to sell and is hoping someone from America might sponsor his 2nd and 3rd semester.   We don’t normally ask for sponsors, but Chisomo has done a lot of work on his own to pay for his schooling so far. Cost per semester is $350.00 US. If you are interested please contact us @

Grace is a local seamstress we have started to work with.  She is creating several bag designs for us to market in the USA. Proceeds from the bags go to help better support Grace’s family and to fund projects in Malawi through Steps4malawi. Grace is married and has 2 boys and two daughters. She lives in Nasanya Village.

Currently it is the hunger season. Food availability and money is low, and crops aren’t mature yet. People are hungry and have no money to buy what food might be available. Many people live on what mangos are still on the trees and anything else they might find. We help the most needy by passing out grain, beans and any other vegetables we might have. Right now we are harvesting green beans in our garden and including those in the food distributions. Harvest will be in about 2 months. This is the time we can purchase maize, rice and beans in the fields at the best possible prices.  We then store them until next years hunger season. If you would like to be part of this please contact us or donate to our Facebook hunger drive at steps4malawi on Facebook. This year we are going to farm some of our own plots in preparation for next years hunger season.


Abusa Khwale’s family.  

They live in our house and

assist us with our projects.






Alise with one of two twin sons belonging to a lady we give food and vitamins to weekly.

A wonderful and surprising event happened.  

After work together for 2 years on the Step4Malawi

Project, Dan and Alise decided they wanted to work

together forever. On September 28th of last year

they were married, just in time for Alise to return to

Malawi for 6 weeks and Dan to return to Ashland. 

$1300 Raised at our February Fundraiser in Ashland!

Learn More:
Steps 4 Malawi
27 S. 2nd Street
(541) 690-2340

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