
Ode to me


        Ode to You




Man                                                                        Patient,

moves through                                                           like ice

me like                                                                     or

joy,                                                                         a mountain

unnoticeable at first.                                                   or

                                                                                          the sky.


like that gasp of                                                          Love,

air                                                                           like Rumi

that bursts                                                                 hidden,

forth only                                                                  inside the

after                                                                         medicine

a deep leap into                                                          cabinet,under

a brisk                                                                      the remote.



            Intent,                                                                       like muscled

like a lone                                                                  tireless

finger                                                                        hands

that maps the                                                            that continue

freckles, a                                                                to work           

constellation,                                                             even when

along a                                                                    the light

yielding                                                                    is low,

chest.                                                                      and flickering.





Hankster     You are my love.    Queen V



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