
Hit the Brakes…

I was recently contacted by a homeowner to price the removal of a half-dozen Leyland cypress trees. I think I have removed more Leylands over the years of my career than any other species. My company policy is that I will not do anything to a Leyland except throw it through my chipper, period. I also have never talked anyone out of removing one. Until yesterday…

The reasons for my reluctance for removing them were fourfold:

1. They blocked the view from the meticulously tidy backyard from a span of horribly UGLY electrical transmission wires you can imagine!

2. The stand of trees essentially halved the sound of the front straightaway of Barnett International Speedway in Medford where I have yet to see a car going anywhere near the posted speed limit!

3. The hedge essentially created a micro climate of its own and kept the yard from being fried by the “Hell Ball” known as our closest star, the sun!

4. These trees intercepted the bird’s eye view of an unkempt, kinda hoardy neighbor that backed up to the fence on the back side of the said tidy oasis.

An easy few thousand bucks, those trees going through my chipper would have made any tree outfit’s day.

“How long do you plan on livin,’” I asked.

He replied, “We’ve been here for twenty six years.”

“That’s not my question, “ I said.”

“Well I’m 93 years old,” he answered.

I gave him my best and often used line…

“Water them, enjoy them, and let them be somebody else’s problem.”

If he removed them it would turn his beautiful backyard retreat into a hellhole in so many ways, and yes, they are the worst trees on the planet…

Sometimes you don’t know what you got till it’s gone and I hope those trees outlive him…

Fall is in the air, and the season is upon us, so as always.

Plant high and often.

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