
Cheers to May, Cheers to Mothers

There is no question we deeply admire woman; their tenacity, moxie and grit, not to mention the various hats they wear. We feel honored to be part of a dynamic team of women, and can’t imagine doing this life without one another. As role models in our community, we take seriously our responsibility to be respected and trusted not only as business owners and leaders in our community but also as people.

We are soon celebrating Mother’s Day and what better time to celebrate the diversity found in this role. Through the years of writing this column, Dyan and I often talk about our trials as well as triumphs, being mothers of the next generation. My boys are 11 and 14, while her son and daughter are 10 and 15, respectively. Linda’s children are now grown and beginning families of their own and Britney’s kiddos (at this moment) are four-legged instead of two. Though each of our stories is a little different, we have all settled into our roles as “Mama” and are doing quite well, if I do say so myself. We often joke as we leave the office that we are headed out to our “real jobs” and boy howdy… those jobs are not for the faint of heart.

What I appreciated most is the way we have been supported as working moms – not just by our families but also by our “village.” The compassion and grace extended to us as we navigate life’s curveballs is invaluable to say the least. When we first started writing this column, we were apprehensive about being transparent with our lives. I was especially doubtful our readers would even have any interest in learning about us, what we are walking through in our personal lives, let along how it’s been balancing life with work, parenthood, being wives of busy and successful men with big careers and the list goes on. I couldn’t have been more wrong and feel honored and humbled for the way we have felt championed.

Over the last few years, more than ever, we have seen each other rise to the occasion, navigating and also conquering all the world has brought before us. We have had the pleasure of not just walking though some real crap storms but persevering and in the end coming out better people than we went in.

As we head into the calendar’s day for celebrating our Moms, let us be aware of those who have touched our lives either by influencing it or supporting it and continue to be grateful all days of the year for being able to wear many hats, fill many roles and do so with dignity and grace. We have appreciated the clients who have offered us words of advice, encouragement and stories to make us laugh. The world makes us want to think we are alone in our struggles but we can attest whatever you are going through someone is as well.

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