
Creating Joy

Joy def. a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

Joy is an inside job. The experience of joy occurs in your central nervous system (brain) and is not dependent on any external phenomena. The experience we call joy correlates to activity in very specific areas of your brain when measured by PET scan. There is neurophysiology and neurochemistry that underlie the neurological processes of joy.

Physical Well Being as a Foundation for Joy

There is a Latin phrase, mens sana in corpore sano, that speaks to the importance of a sound body to a sound mind. Joy is a natural outcome of an integrated state of the nervous system supporting sound health. This is foundation, or fertile soil, for joy to be present, but is not required. It is possible to have joy without health, but it is more difficult.

Being Fully Present

“You just are and it is a sheer delight…because existence is made from the stuff called joy.” ~Osho

Here the reference is to being associated with the present moment. The opposite of this state is to be dissociated from the present moment. Consider how when you experience pleasure/joy, you are completely associated/immersed in the present moment. And when you experience distress you are not associated with the present moment, or dissociated. Look very closely and you will “see” this distinction.

A Process for Creating Joy

Optimize your health and nourish your mind

Breath, move, eat nourishment, sleep, be moderate, make a point to feel and appreciate your body – where would you be without it? Read, learn, study, be engaged in people and activities that stimulate your mind and transport you to a place of wonder.

Be present

Be conscious of whether or not you are present. Learn to be present – the present moment is all you actually have.

Determine your values

What is truly important to you? What do you value? Values relate to feelings – things like love, safety, security, respect, adventure, excitement, learning, serving, nurturing, mentoring, sharing, connection, intimacy, wonder, awe, peace… What do you want most? Distill it down to a few things, four or five – these are your core values.

Be congruent

When a person acts in a way that’s in agreement with their values, they are congruent, and congruence over time tends to get a person what they want.

Be OK with imperfection

Life isn’t perfect – it doesn’t always go the way you want it to. That’s life; we only have so much control beyond what we say and do. Learn to love what is and you will find you learn how to use whatever is to create what you want.

Determine your talents

Those things that you are truly, deeply passionate about represent your talents… and your calling.

Make a difference

Nearly 40 years of practice informs me that those who have joy have a sense of mission and purpose that leads to making a difference in other peoples’ lives.

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