
DeAnna Sickler & Dyan Lane The Highest Caliber of Service

For the past 23 years in the Rogue Valley DeAnna Sicker and Dyan Lane have worked tirelessly to go above and beyond for all their clients and offer their clients the highest caliber of service. What does this mean exactly? I speak with DeAnna and Dyan today to learn more about the values, ethics and ethos that drives this dynamic duo into a league unto themselves.

Hi DeAnna and Dyan, thanks so much for speaking with me today to talk about life work, and your philosophy of bringing the highest caliber of service to all your clients. To begin with, what exactly does this statement mean?

Dyan: We have often said a trained monkey can open a door. We want our clients’ experience when buying and selling real estate to be so much more. We pride ourselves on guiding our clients toward their personal and financial goals. We want to be a part of our client’s invisible board of directors and to really get to know them. I like to think of us more of a champion of people vs. salespeople. We invest in your story both emotionally but also with our time. We also tend to have a heck of a lot of fun doing it too!

Thanks for sharing those thoughts and congratulations to you both on another outstanding year. Looking back on 2022, what were some of the highlights for you both?

DeAnna: We had the great fortune to work with some extra special clients this last year. We walked alongside families in their times of tragedy, and were able to guide them with such tenderness because they trusted us enough to let us be a part of their grieving. We also proudly watched clients make sacrifices so they could make wise investments and build wealth… It was so gratifying to be one of their trusted professionals.

DeAnna, now entering the spring of 2023, what is on the horizon for us?

I think once everyone stopped believing all they were hearing on the news and reading on the web, our local real estate market stabilized. In our office specifically, brokers really made a point to connect with their clients to provide a first hand accounting of what is actually happening in the market, even with the mortgage interest rates higher than they have been.

Dyan, are there things in particular we should be paying extra attention to that might be different this market cycle?

What a great question. I think right now is really about re-educating people on the market and real estate trends. For the last 10+ years, we got spoiled with low interest rates and a high demand from both sellers and buyers. Although the market corrected at the end of 2022 and into 2023, we have to remember that we were operating the last few years from a place of abundance in the real estate market. If you compare the local market and demands of 2023 to 2019, we are right on track. For lack of a better term, Covid Real Estate is over, and we are back to Real Life Real Estate.

People are still seeing and buying homes. There is still considerably less than six months of inventory in the Rogue Valley, in most price bands. You have to remember that six months of inventory (which means that if we didn’t list another home, we would run out of inventory in six months) is a healthy/balanced market. We are still well below that in most parts of the Rogue Valley.

I think it is also important to remind new homeowners that you are marrying the property, NOT the rate. A lot of buyers under 40 haven’t really heard about refinancing and that used to be a common practice not too long ago. Real estate is still the quickest and most effective way to build wealth. Don’t forget, your first home isn’t supposed to be your dream home, rather a stepping stone towards financial freedom. Find a broker who can put on different hats to help you navigate different ideas to build your portfolio. Should you be considering a roommate option for your first home? Perhaps gift funds to get you into a higher price point? Sometimes that makes a world of difference. Are they talking to you about turning your first home into a rental in a few years and then purchasing something closer to your dream property? Remember, much like life, real estate can be a journey with many destinations vs. just a finished race.

DeAnna, in your day to day life of doing the work that you do, what do you enjoy the most and why?

Providing sound counsel to our clients, from a place of experience, has been the most gratifying daily activity for the last several months. Since we have navigated a market similar to what we are experiencing right now, we can provide first hand experience on how to weather the storm. The market in ‘08/’09 was similar in many ways and not only did we survive it – we actually thrived in it. Providing a perspective that is relevant to our current market conditions and being able to share the pros/cons has been invaluable. It helps to separate us from others in the industry who haven’t walked through times such as these.

Dyan, you all develop relationships with each and every client you take on. Please talk more about the time and effort that goes into facilitating these types of genuine connections.

I am not sure if you looked up the definition of empathy but there is a photo of me right there. I love to pour into people and their stories. I want to be standing by the sidelines of my clients and cheering them on as they move through life. My goals and desires are not always the same as my clients and I enjoy expanding my knowledge and horizon with their experience and needs. I like to take a little extra time with clients and ask them the questions they may have never asked themselves. What do you do in your off time? How do you rejuvenate after a long day at the office? What’s your dream office at home look like? Have you thought about where the kids will hang out at home in 5 years? How long do you see yourself in this next house? Where is your career headed?

All these answers help us know how to guide you. I also love to tell people they are not alone. Whatever stage they are in, they have others who can help celebrate or cry with them. People are the key to almost everything GOOD life has to offer.

DeAnna, you have often written in your columns about having a deep appreciation for your clients. What are some of the qualities you appreciate the most and how do these relate to your tagline, “The Highest Caliber of Service?”

Having clients who are fully transparent with us is what I appreciate most. It’s challenging to truly be able to guide someone without having all the information. Buying and selling is an emotional process with many moving parts. Knowing our clients trust us enough to share the good, the bad and the ugly is the most gratifying. Vulnerability and mutual respect is something we take very seriously and hold close to our hearts.

You both talk about being the invisible Board of Directors to your clients. Please say more.

Dyan: When we first started this business, we sat down and wrote down all the names of the people that impact our lives. Professional people. You know, the ones you call to help make sure you’re not missing something as you plan your life and your future.

We wrote down doctors’ names, financial advisors, insurance agents, tax accountants, counselors and so on. We then wrote down what these professionals had in common. One of the many traits that rose to the top was THE CLIENTS GOALS WERE TOP PRIORITY. We wanted to be added to this list of invisible board of directors. We didn’t want to run our business simply as a successful sales team but more importantly we want to be a part of our clients’ bigger picture, even if that means sometimes, we guide them NOT to sell or NOT to buy.

Dyan, you and DeAnna are very solution-oriented. What have been some of our favorite observations of your business partner and friend, DeAnna, working through difficult challenges?

I love watching her pour into people. She is slow to anger, slow to get frustrated. DeAnna will take the extra time to find out what is going on beyond what is on the paper. Sometimes we are working with clients going through some really hard chapters of life. Sometimes it is difficult for them to share their truth with us. DeAnna never pushes for that truth, she waits for them to share what they want, when they want and nothing more.

I have watched her salvage deal after deal because she isn’t afraid to work. DeAnna has always been a success story and always will be and nothing was handed to her. Sure, she had some advantages and blessings along the way but she is self-made and that comes with sacrifice.

DeAnna, what do you most appreciate about Dyan and how does she go above and beyond to impress you?

Wow, where do I start? Dyan has a heart of gold and she not only protects the most sacred relationships, she will have your back for life. I have had the great fortune of watching Dyan grow up for more than half her life. She came into my life at the age of 18 when she fell in love with my husband’s best friend. She is wise beyond her years while humble enough to know when she needs a hand. Dyan is kind, unwavering in her faith, more tender than you might realize and fiercely loyal.

I know I am not alone when I let you both know how much I appreciate your columns in the LocalsGuide. They are a breath of fresh air.

Dyan: It has been on my heart the last few months to go back and read them all from the beginning. To see what has changed, how I have grown and to be reminded of all the fun times. Thank you Shields for encouraging us to embark on this crazy idea.

DeAnna: If you recall, I thought the column was a terrible idea. Afterall, who would really care about our lives, what we had to say, etc.? Boy… aren’t I glad you didn’t take no for an answer. Turns out, people actually enjoy reading it. As you know, the content is often about our lives as wives, mothers, business owners, etc., and not necessarily about real estate and through us sharing our stories, we have attracted the most incredible, authentic clients who genuinely like who we are as humans and want to support us.

Are you looking for fancy or are you looking for effective?

Let me be the first to assure you, we aren’t all that fancy but dang, we are effective. In a time when there are more bells and whistles, Snap that, Insta this, we often find our head spinning with all the stimulation. Now, we are seduced with the idea of artificial intelligence. How about focusing on the power of actual intelligence? If that’s your thing, we are your jam. If having your “name in lights” so to speak is important to you, we can work with that but we would really like to focus on the list of effective, proven strategies that work year after year.

Springtime is here and it’s time to put my house on the market. What needs to be at the top of my list?

Dyan: Connect with a professional real estate broker. They can help guide you on what tasks/projects are worth the time, money and sweat. A broker will also help walk you through what is the best timing. Supply and demand in the real estate market is very important and can swing values anywhere from 5-10%. There are times in the market when a property needs to be perfect, and other times where time is of the essence. If you don’t have a relationship with another broker, give us a call. We would love to be a part of your team. Are you a few months/years out from listing your home? Give us a call. Our relationship with you is for the long run.

I am new to the Rogue Valley and hunting for my dream home. What are the three most important things I need to ask myself when looking for a Realtor?

• What is their reputation in the community but also in the industry and among their peers?

• Do they sell real estate as their primary career, following the market trends, attend the MLS and their office meetings?

• Do you enjoy being around them? Do they speak your language? This is supposed to be fun too!

From first time buyers to experienced investment buyers, you handle it all. Please say more and let us know how to begin the process of working with you all?

Dyan: Isn’t that one of the best parts of our job? No day is the same. No property identical. Clients’ needs all vary. It makes the career so interesting. We pride ourselves on being well-rounded. We appreciate working with first-time buyers, 1031 exchange clients, investors small and large, not to mention repeat clients. By being diverse in our business, it helps us better serve our clients. When we list a property, chances are we have been in the competing home. We know what the current buyers are looking for. This all helps us in determining a realistic value.

DeAnna and Dyan, you both have now been in this business for a combined 36+ years. What continues to be new and exciting for you, and what continues to stay the same?

It’s exciting to see some balance restored now. It’s not heavily in favor of just buyers or just sellers and that really satisfies the justice seekers in us. In addition to Linda Haxton who has been part of our team for nearly 8 years, we added another powerhouse woman, Britney Anding and together we are able to continue providing the level of service our clients not only expect but also deserve. We love the team approach where all of us handle the day-to-day operations, we are all proficient on the ins and outs of systems and up to speed on the status of our files. It gives our clients coverage essentially 24/7 while also providing opportunities for each of us to check out now and then and recharge our batteries so we can step back in and cover the business. It’s a fantastic business model built on a tremendous amount of trust and we are so blessed.

Finally, are there any last thoughts or comments you would like to share with our readers?

Dyan: Thank you once again for an incredible year. Without our clients’ support we wouldn’t be able to do what we love! One of my favorite things to do is drive around town and look at the homes we have sold. I love seeing the changes you have made and the stories you shared with me. For those of you we haven’t met, I look forward to your phone call and being a part of your next real estate adventure.

DeAnna: Please don’t rely on automated evaluations or online information for your real estate related decisions. Reach out to local, present, market-savvy professionals (like us) to give you relevant and sound information so you can make an informed decision that’s best for YOUR life plan.

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