
Mels Benefit Yard Sale -SUCCESS!

Hi Everyone!


I wanted to offer up my thanks and gratitude to everyone that participated and worked toward the benefit yard sale for our friend Mel Canete this Saturday 6/14.


Thank you to everyone who participated and donated their time, items and money to make this a wonderful benefit and raffle! The sale made over $500! This money will go directly and fully to the Mel Canete Medical Fund at Bank of America.


Many thanks to Alla, who not only helped with the sale but also organized and put together a satisfying Cookie and Lemonade stand to refresh the shoppers. The stand was efficiently manned by her boys Kostja, Daniel and Jason, who also donated their Saturday to this cause.


Many thanks to Susan Powell for holding the Pancake Breakfast for Mel, last weekend at Pilaf! I’m sure it went smashingly. Let’s do it again soon sometime. This time I’ll bring my spatula for flipping!


Untold thanks to Gayle who offered her driveway and garage in which to hold the sale. And the time and energy to put it all together! We couldn’t have done it without you and your generosity of heart!


My gratitude goes out to the generous folks that offered the gift certificates for the raffle prizes. The raffle was a complete success, and we have the winners! All the winners have been contacted and prizes have been claimed.


1: Sonja Ackerman.  – won the $50 gift Certificate to The Phoenix Day Spa & Salon

2: Lisa Hughes. – won a $30 gift certificate to Beasy’s on the Creek

3: Leah A. – won a $30 gift certificate to Beasy’s on the Creek

4: Jenni Egan – won $15 in Movie Money from Coming Attractions Theaters


Congratulations to the winners and a huge Thank You to all who supported the raffle!


As you all may know Mel is battling two kinds of vicious cancer Breast and Ovarian. She’s staying with her sister here in town and regularly visiting her oncologist in Medford. Mel sounds good the last time I talked with her…everytime I ask her how she is..I get back “I’m fine, how are you?”…ummm…I know the woman could have a shark gnawing on her ankle and I’d still get the same chipper response. But she really does sound good. She’s had positive feedback from her oncologist that says some of the tumors are shrinking, and she’s continuing to gain weight ..(which for her is a good thing! :-) She also had the proud privelege to witness her son Thomas graduate from Ashland High School last Friday.


I’d also like to acknowledge and thank Jessica, Rosemary, Sue, Sigrid, Beth, Victoriana and many more who contacted me with concern and caring in their hearts for Mel and her family. We are an amazing community with the potential to make a positive difference in the lives of those who live here. We all support each other, and THAT’s what makes this a wonderful place to live, in spite of all our differences, past tragedies and disagreements.



Best regards,

Jody Lydick


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