
No Need for Neck Popping or Cracking!

Are you afraid to have your neck popped? Do you hate having your neck cracked? Have you had neck surgery, or a herniated disc in your neck? Can a chiropractor help, even when we cannot perform traditional manipulation of your neck?

The answer is yes, we can probably help you. What are we going to do? First, if you have ongoing neck related problem, we need to figure out what is wrong. What combination of stuck joints, irritated nerves, and tight or weak muscles are affecting you? As always: we also ask; what can you do for yourself?

The goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to unlock stuck joints, and restore pain free motion to an area. Popping and cracking is just one way to get there. We are fortunate enough to have studied and mastered multiple ways to mobilize the neck.

We generally use hands on methods. The classic names for these are muscle energy and counter strain. We like to think of it “wiggling” the joint back into place. These are truly gentle methods. No popping or cracking. This is our bread and butter. We have so much experience in using these types of adjustments. Activator and other adjusting instruments are another lower force way of getting the joints moving again.

Why do we use low force? For me (Marc); I started studying these methods because I personally don’t like my neck cracked. I then realized that the lower force methods are ideal for many groups of people.

Who should not have their neck popped?

1- Patients who have had fusions or other neck surgery.

2- Older patients with extensive arthritis

3- Patients in severe pain, who cannot turn their head

4- Anyone who hates having their neck popped. This would include those who have been injured by a chiropractic neck adjustment.

5- Patients who have been overadjusted (or adjusted too often) who often have too much laxity in their neck.

6- patients with loose ligaments (double jointed)

That adds up to a lot of people, many of whom are afraid to see a chiropractor.

We always want to help you help yourself. Here are videos of a couple of exercises, and a video demo showing you what we do in low force neck adjusting.

1- Correct the neck hinge. This is especially useful if you have had neck pain since a whiplash type injury.

2- Release the lower neck muscles; by Activating the deep neck flexors (or chin to collarbone)- Is your lower neck always tight on one side? Try this.

3- Low Force Neck Adjustment; Correcting Anterior Cervical Fixation.

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