
composition 342 (poem 4 for m(and)y)

my whole arsenal of words


when i attempt a bigexplosive

description of your justrightness

my paintbrush splatters (hand all jittery)

my chisel slips (arm gone on the goddess)

my choreographed dance fell into interpretive dance

flailing happily across the stage

twirl embonpoint moonwalk flop

i forgot the words so i'll just scat

let go of melody and just wail

like an unattended barely walking baby with crayon in hand

headed for a big white living room wall

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I moved here in May after 32 years on the Arkansas/ Oklahoma border. I love this town and already feel quite at home here. There is an amazing vibration here, to which I am happily contributing. I am a tournament Scrabble player, so I was quite pleased to find a couple of other tourneygoers here, forming the core of an official Scrabble club that meets Sundays at the Heartsong Chai Hut.

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