
Loren Fogelman – Reveals Strategic Moves to Succeed

Loren Fogelman is the founder of Business Success Solution and an internationally-recognized success expert who helps business owners turn their passion for helping others into a profitable lifestyle business. Results-focused and strengths-based, she motivates her clients to achieve business success without sacrificing their lifestyle.

Loren is the author of The Winning Point – How to Master the Mindset of Champions, an Amazon #1 bestseller, and has worked with elite athletes to help them achieve the best possible performance. Recognized as a high performance consultant by the LA Times, Loren teaches her clients little known tactics to shift their entrepreneurial success from average to extraordinary so they grow a profitable business while avoiding burn out. You can learn more about Loren’s coaching business at

What are extremely successful entrepreneurs doing differently than other business owners?

There are two types of entrepreneurs: those who are interested and those who are committed. Success begins with a decision to commit. Interested entrepreneurs will only do what’s convenient. They’ll stick to activities within their comfort zone. Committed entrepreneurs are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed – no matter what. Their desire to deeply serve their clients is stronger than their need to remain within their comfort zone. Neither one is right or wrong. I challenge business owners to be brutally honest regarding their mindset. If they’re not satisfied with their answer, then the only solution is to commit to change, and that’s where I can help.

Growing a business is like running an obstacle course. People start out with a clear vision. They’re excited about the possibilities. Challenges inevitably pop up along the way. The way people respond to those unexpected challenges has a big impact on the trajectory of their success. The mindset of the entrepreneur – whether or not they’re truly committed – makes all the difference.

lauren_fogelman_2You had a very successful therapy business for many years before becoming a business coach. What inspired you to start coaching entrepreneurs?

Everyone who has an idea for a new business or a vision for growing an existing business has doubts about the validity of their idea. They think ‘What if?’ What if I’m wrong and my business is a total failure? They hold themselves back, second-guessing the value of their ideas and get stuck before they really get started.

Too many entrepreneurs get in their own way so they fail to achieve their full potential. Holding back and playing small doesn’t work, but they don’t know how to turn things around. Then when opportunities appear, the ones they’ve been dreaming about, they spend too much time overthinking things and being indecisive. The door of opportunity had closed shut by the time they arrive at a decision. They forever have to wonder “what if?”

It breaks my heart to see highly talented individuals never achieve their full potential. I started Business Success Solution to help entrepreneurs with great ideas find the courage to move beyond ‘What if?’ The people who move beyond ‘What if?’ are the ones who are able to step outside their comfort zone and wade through their doubts and fears.

As a therapist-turned-business coach, I’ve devoted my entire life to helping people fulfill their ideals. I know how people get in their own way and feel stuck. I know how to identify and clear the blocks, barriers and obstacles that are preventing business owners from taking the steps needed for success. I help people find the courage to go after their dreams and give them the tools they need to grow a profitable business before the opportunity disappears forever.

My mission is to help entrepreneurs to recognize the value of their gifts. I love helping them grow into a bigger version of themselves. I ask people to imagine how things would be different if they released the dead weight of resistance. What if you could suddenly be energized to step up where you would normally step back? That gets me excited. I deeply care about my clients and want them to succeed. As a results-driven individual, I help my clients focus on the actions that will quickly grow their ideas into a successful business.

Why do entrepreneurs need a coach?

I’ve worked with entrepreneurs and elite athletes to create the mindset necessary for success. The difference between driven athletes and driven entrepreneurs is that athletes understand from day one that they need a coach to help them succeed. The more success athletes achieve, the more they seek out great coaching. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, often think that they can do it all themselves, but this simply isn’t true.

When I first transitioned from therapist to business coach I thought I could do it on my own. I quickly realized that in order to invest in my business, I needed to invest in myself, and found a business coach. Now when I’m looking to initiate a change that improves my business, I seek out help. I’ve learned from experience that doing it all myself is frustrating, costly and wastes precious time. Teaming up with an expert who already knows the answer helps to fast-track results.

Many entrepreneurs have a great idea and vision for where they want their business to go, but they don’t have any experience growing or running a business. They quickly start to get bogged down in the mundane details of running a business. In essence, they become an employee that works in their business instead of a CEO that guides the business toward the vision that provided the initial inspiration. Entrepreneurs who invest in themselves by finding the right business coach will achieve greater success with much less stress than those who try to go it alone.

As a business coach, I help entrepreneurs reclaim their role as visionary and show them how to make their business fun and profitable. In order to succeed, business owners need to learn how to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. This isn’t easy and most people can’t do it on their own, which is why it’s essential to work with a coach.

What are some of the misconceptions people have about what it takes to succeed?

Entrepreneurs often think that the only way to succeed is to sacrifice their personal life and invest everything they have – emotionally, intellectually, and financially – in their business. In fact, this is actually the perfect strategy for burnout and failure.

Mary‘s business was taking a toll on her personal life. We structured her work flow so she didn’t have to sacrifice her personal needs any longer. The time away was rejuvenating. This one strategic move rekindled her enthusiasm for her work. Mary adopted proven strategies to better serve her clients, grow her business and still find time for the people and activities she didn’t want to give up.

Loren WIAA Conference w. Steve 7-13You spoke about mission-driven entrepreneurs. What does that mean?

Some business owners are primarily motivated to succeed for financial gain. The entrepreneurs who I work closely with are highly skilled at what they do and desire to make a difference on a local, national or global scale. They want their business to succeed financially, but they are most concerned with the value they believe their business has to offer. They want to do the thing they’re good at and also grow a business that supports their lifestyle. Money, for mission driven entrepreneurs, measures how well they’re reaching their clients and making a difference.

The “why” for my clients is more important than the “what.” I think it’s critical to clarify regarding why you chose to own a business and why you want to help serve your clients. Entrepreneurs who recognize why they are doing what they do are more likely to stick with their business through the ups and downs. Entrepreneurs like this are on a mission to make a difference.

Others close to you may not get what you do or why you’re taking such a huge risk. Your “why” removes all doubt that this is what you’re meant to do. Clarity about your purpose and your life’s work strengthens your conviction, even when others are casting doubt.

Why do you think confidence is overrated?

This is so important! Confidence is overrated because when you’re growing a business there are going to be many things that you’ve never done before and it’s difficult to possess confidence with something unknown.

Here’s the secret that I share with my clients: Confidence isn’t required to succeed. Courage is. Highly successful entrepreneurs exude confidence because success breeds confidence. However, self-doubt does not discriminate; it impacts entrepreneurs at all levels of success. So how do you continue moving forward when your confidence wavers? Find courage. Courage, unlike confidence, means you stand up, brush yourself off and continue on your path when things don’t go as planned. It means moving forward, even when you’re unsure about the outcome.

Tap into your courage when your confidence is lacking. Combining your “why” with courage allows you to progress even when you’re uncomfortable. Successful business owners aren’t always confident, but they choose to give it their best shot no matter what. The results, like hitting their numbers, are beyond their control. Courage leads to results, even when confidence is absent. I tell my clients to think of it as a muscle you want to strengthen. Continually stepping outside your comfort zone builds this muscle.

The person you are today is not the person who will finally achieve their ideal business. Success is a growth process. Growth happens because you were connected to your mission, your purpose for helping others, and you were willing to do what was necessary to make a difference. You found courage when you didn’t feel confidence.

My transition from therapy to business coaching helped me realize how much I didn’t know yet. My comfort zone was constantly being stretched. At first I didn’t know why I was resisting opportunities that I knew would make a difference. Basically, I was getting in my own way. That revelation was my turning point. I decided to change how I viewed uncomfortable challenges. That’s when I adapted the motto “if it is uncomfortable then I ought to be doing it.” This singular change in perspective was liberating. I felt like all the resistance melted away.

lauren_fogelman_1What do you mean when you say success is messy?

That’s a great question. We all want to focus on finding the ideal business plan with immediate results, but success is messier than that. Many of my clients, like Dave, have high expectations for themselves. Making mistakes was something he avoided at all costs. Perfection, however, is time consuming.

One of the most important pieces of advice which I gave Dave is that you’ve got to be willing to fail in order to succeed. Achieving a specific result requires planning, preparation and performance. However, because success is messy, having Plan B, C, D, and E mapped out saved him a lot of time and frustration when Plan A failed to work out. This one strategic move helped him to quickly recover instead of losing momentum when the unexpected occurred.

What would you say to someone who is curious but not totally sure if working with you is the right step for them?

If you’re seriously considering business coaching then the best thing to do is to take advantage of my complimentary Grow Your Ideal Business Strategy Session at

This strategy session is an ideal way to see if I can help you successfully achieve your goals. During the strategy session we’ll develop a crystal clear vision for your business. You’ll identify potential obstacles that might prevent you from meeting those goals. And you’ll get inspired, energized and excited about your plans. If it looks like a good fit, then we can discuss the best options for moving forward. I work with clients privately and also have a mastermind group. Because I work with clients face-to-face as well as virtually, geography is not an issue.

To arrange for your complimentary Grow Your Ideal Business Strategy Session go to I invite you to call 541-708-3933 or email me at to talk further.

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Loren Fogelman

Business Success Solution


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Shields Bialasik

Hi, I am Shields. I am the creator or LocalsGuide. The mission or my company is to provide a positive media platform for my community which in turn makes it stronger and more resilient. I hope you will enjoy and feel inspired to start your own LocalsGuide in your town or community.

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