
Creating Your Ad For Print in the LocalsGuide

To create your ad for LocalsGuide you will need a graphics program like Adobe Photoshop.
All images are created in a high resolution of 300 dots per inch (this way it prints clearly)
and utilizes the CMYK color settings.

I Am Familiar With Photoshop and Can Do It Myself

If you are familiar with Photoshop here is a quick overview of how you can format this ad yourself.

  1. Open Photoshop
  2. Select File New
  3. Set Resolution to 300
  4. Set Width and Height in “Inches” to your correct ad size.
  5. Set Color Mode to CMYK
    * This is important. DO NOT DESIGN YOUR AD IN RGB and then COVERT TO CMYK
  6. Then hit “OK”
  7. Design Your Ad
  8. Make Sure to Use Fonts that are no smaller than 8pt, also make sure to use bold and clean fonts that are easily read. (Thin fonts in small font sizes are difficult for printers to hit when printing)
  9. When placing white lettering on dark backgrounds make sure to: Use a large enough font to build colored background around.
  10. When working with BLACK backgrounds and lettering  make sure to use a 100% color. C=0 M=0 y=0 k=100  (Built BLACK Fonts can create alignment problems)
  12. * Remember to Flatten Layers when you send us the final copy.
  13. Email Your Final Advertisement to:

Work With A Local Designer

If you need help we recommend one of the following local designers to help you with your project.

Print Advertisement Design

Web Design



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Shields Bialasik

Hi, I am Shields. I am the creator or LocalsGuide. The mission or my company is to provide a positive media platform for my community which in turn makes it stronger and more resilient. I hope you will enjoy and feel inspired to start your own LocalsGuide in your town or community.

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