
Hidden Springs Celebrates Ten Years of Wellness

How are you celebrating your 10th Anniversary in business?

WILL WILKINSON, Fitness Center Director: With a party, of course! Saturday, April 2, from 2 – 5 pm. We’ll have music, food and prizes. It’s a great chance for our practitioners and community members to enjoy social time together.
LG: Is it just a party or will there be presentations?

KIMBERLY HALL, Massage Therapist: It’s a party. We’re not working. It’s time to play together, and to thank our community. I have been so touched by the love and receptivity of our wonderful Hidden Springs community of friends and clientele. I’m really looking forward to sharing my appreciation through this fun celebration. The open house starts at 2, we’ll have a crazy skit at 3:30 and start dancing at 4.

I think there are about 12 of you working together at Hidden Springs. What’s the secret to good teamwork?

REGINA LINSDAY, Adminstrative Executive:Clear communication. It’s about coming from your heart and being honest with how you feel. We have staff meetings twice a month and that’s really important – a time and place for us to bare our souls if we need to, plus zero in on the day to day business needs that we have to look at together.

MARY LONDOS, Yoga Instructor: I just joined the team recently and I love the staff meetings. It’s our one time all together where we can really get to know each other.

What’s different about working together under one roof, as opposed to all having your own offices?

BONNIE NEDROW, Naturopath: Well, I’ve done both. Honestly, there are pros and cons both ways. But I love the community of healers we have become. Definitely, there’s more here for all our patients, simply because there are ten of us practicing, not just one. People feel that the minute they walk through the door.

ELISSA WALSH, Administrative Executive: I agree. In fact, I think the appointment begins in the reception area. Regina and I feel like we are allies with the doctors and practitioners here, kind of like the warm up act! It’s more than greeting people with a smile; we want them to feel welcomed and relaxed right away, so they can make the most of their appointment.

Recently you rallied the community to appeal a proposed cell tower development. Did that affect your work?

HELEN MAHONEY, Colon Hydrotherapist: Of course, it had to. We were worried about what might happen if it was built, because so many of our patients believe it is unhealthy. Would they still come? Fortunately, the proposal was defeated. But, I have to say, we stayed upbeat about it. We have an understanding and belief about these things. What is meant to be is what is meant to be. So, I guess we were philosophical. At the same time, we’re all pretty happy with the outcome, thanks to all the community support!

Health care is a hot topic these days. What do you tell your patients about taking care of themselves?

BROOKS NEWTON, Yoga Instructor and Yoga Therapist: I encourage people to connect with their physical, mental and emotional states and discover ways to nourish their whole being through yoga classes and private yoga therapy sessions. As a result, people often experience a deeply enhanced quality of life. Also, private yoga therapy sessions have proven to be very helpful for many specific health conditions.
TASHINA WILKINSON, C.H.I. Trainer: I teach The C.H.I. Practice with my husband Will, and Rod and Brooks. We teach how to focus your life energy into what matters most to you and what to do when you hit blocks. It is powerful stuff that has really changed my life and the lives of many others.

What do you see in your crystal ball for the future of Hidden Springs?

ROD NEWTON, Relationship Coach, Chiropractor:The first ten years were about offering integrative heath care from a number of practitioners. I think that the next ten years will be more about community outreach, connection, and support. In these chaotic, uncertain times, it’s important that we band together to face the challenges ahead as a community.
LG: Say more about your party.

BRIGID CROWE, Naturopath:It’s going to be a lot of fun. We’ll have food and great music, some prizes to give away, and hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can go out onto the grass and enjoy being together around the pond. I love my patient visits but we work within a set time frame. So I’m really looking forward to just relaxing with people and enjoying getting to know each other. That’s healthy!

WENDY FULLERTON, Accounts Manager: I’m looking forward to thanking some of the people who helped us with the cell tower challenge. And, to not having to crunch any numbers for a whole afternoon while I’m at Hidden Springs.

Hidden Springs 10th Anniversary Celebration is Saturday, April 2 from 2 – 5. For information call 541-488-8858.

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Shields Bialasik

Hi, I am Shields. I am the creator or LocalsGuide. The mission or my company is to provide a positive media platform for my community which in turn makes it stronger and more resilient. I hope you will enjoy and feel inspired to start your own LocalsGuide in your town or community.

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