
It Takes Action To Create Your Health & Dream Body

Action is certainly required to achieve any goal you create for yourself regarding your health and fitness. Taking action is something we want to get excited about. It is through taking action that we achieve the health and dream body we have always desired.

The idea of taking action is a concept many people cannot seem to grasp. They dream big and become excited about the idea, but they fall short when it really comes down to creating the big dream.  Action is the physical expression of creating your big dream. However, you must be inspired in order to make that dream a reality!

Once planted, the dream that exists in your subconscious will intuitively tell you to make a phone call, research something on the internet, or make an appointment with someone who can help you achieve this special dream.  It is important to understand that the dream itself is providing all the inspiration, motivation, and ideas you need to make it come true!

Consistently taking action may seem challenging at first. You may feel uncomfortable allowing the thoughts and ideas you need to achieve the perfect health and body you so deserve.

This ideal is going to ask you to get up and do your exercises, to eat better, and to live in a healthy manner. Your subconscious may even remind you to bring healthy food with you to work. Your dream will hint to you to get out and walk during lunch, take the stairs, and hit the gym after work. Your dream body and health will encourage you to make a healthy dinner, and to get to bed earlier so that your body benefits from eight hours of sleep in order to heal itself.

The body you desire will actually tell you to join a gym, to get a trainer, and maybe to start a team sport.  Countless actions will come into your mind each moment of every day when you focus on living and actually creating your dream. This is supposed to happen. Creating in this way is in our design.

The more consistently you take action, the more habitual it will become. This is a fantastic habit to create. You are meant to be healthy and fit. You are meant to dream of what you want in life, and then to take action that creates it. Taking action is part of the lifestyle that allows your big dream of health and fitness.

Your positive actions create health and fitness and become a reality, once you are emotionally involved in the visualization and tangible feeling behind your dream.  Action equals power. You have within yourself, unlimited power to create. The more action you take toward your dream, the more power you will have to make that dream happen.

I wish for all of you Vibrant Health!

David Fresilli – Holistic Health Practitioner

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