
Southern Oregon Birth Connections

Southern Oregon Birth Connections is excited to announce a year of collaborative projects with the Ashland Food Co-op! Our previous, educational, resource fairs at the Bellview Grange included a Valentine’s Day event with free and yummy chocolates, an extremely informational panel about pertussis, and a delicious, free mother’s day brunch, among others. This year  SOBC is working together with the Co-op to continue our mission of educating and empowering women and families during the childbearing year and beyond.

To continue building bridges between families, local support networks, and traditional and alternative medical options, SOBC is joining with the Co-op in hosting a year’s worth of exciting events, all spotlighting topics most pertinent for young and growing families! How perfect that the Ashland Food Co-op, celebrating its 40th birthday celebration in 2012, was looking to do something special; something to support young families in our community.

Many of you are familiar with the co-op’s already incredible education network.
This year SOBC will get to be an integral part of that network, while co-hosting several special events tailored for and honoring young families, including:
-September’s Young Family Fair; free activities for every age
-Monthly Monday night lectures, each one focusing on various aspects of the childbearing year.
-Community Oven classes, focusing on healthy, family cooking and eating, specifically during pregnancy and postpartum.
-Fall Quarterly Forum on Choices in Childbirth; which is better for You? A hospital? A Birth Center? At home?

Our opening event, the Young Family Fair, is on Saturday, September 24th from 11 – 3 p.m. at the Ashland Food Co-op’s Community Classroom (300 N Pioneer St.). We will have a day of free activities for the entire family:  Free workshops on Wearing your baby, cloth diapering, and infant massage will cycle through the day. Receive hands-on bodywork, get a free goodie bag, pick up an SOBC local resource guide, watch a video, play with natural cloth diapers, let your kids have their face painted, make some crafts or watch a puppet show! We will have local vendors present, sharing and selling their wonderful wares and wonderful raffle prizes every 30 minutes! Please come join us for this fun-filled event!

We are pleased to be creating a new local resource guide for all involved with the childbearing year.  This will be circulated widely throughout our valley.

We are also excited to have a website featuring the range of options available to young families.
If you are pregnant, or a family member of someone having a new baby, please come learn more of what options are available..If you are a practitioner and want to become involved in this network, please call 482-6067.

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Shields Bialasik

Hi, I am Shields. I am the creator or LocalsGuide. The mission or my company is to provide a positive media platform for my community which in turn makes it stronger and more resilient. I hope you will enjoy and feel inspired to start your own LocalsGuide in your town or community.

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