by Matt Terreri, DC, CCSP
“Even though I’m not an athlete…?”
This is a question I’m frequently asked, and the answer is YES! At least in the realm of sports chiropractic medicine and musculoskeletal injuries.
Fifteen years ago I started working with athletes from the Ultimate Fighting ChampionshipÒ, and now work with the sports teams here at Southern Oregon University. I realized early on that sports medicine is not just “sports” medicine, but it’s “everybody’s” medicine. The skills learned as a sports physician can apply to almost any situation, and that’s why I love it so much!
Everyone Has a Life:
Although there are some traumas that are specific to sports, most injuries can relate to anyone. Athletes often have deadlines for competition, and while not every patient I see is getting ready to play on the gridiron next weekend, they still have to work, take care of the kids and maybe travel for a long awaited vacation. In other words, everyone is in the game called “life”! So as a sports specialist you are trained to think along timelines, and help people heal as quickly as possible.
It Takes a Village: Cooperation & Coordination
For instance, the SOU Raiders have three athletic trainers, an orthopedic surgeon and myself. We all work together to get all the teams well. This carries over to the rest of my practice because I am used to working with various doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists and trainers to help coordinate care. Other providers have amazing skills that can also help!
Rehab, Rehab, Rehab!
If you are injured and are not doing any exercises then you are missing a big piece of the puzzle! This is often THE missing piece that needs to be addressed. There is no “magic bullet”, no “magic pill”, and there is no
“magic adjustment”! The only “magic” is the hard work you put into something. It does not have to take long, or use a lot of equipment. Surely there is some movement or exercise that can help you feel better, and often even help prevent injures!
We here at Southern Oregon Sports & Spine strive to teach you exercises to help you help yourself for a lifetime. I believe that’s some of the best medicine anyone can give someone else – empowerment!
The Nuts & Bolts…
The nuts and bolts are the sort of tools or techniques that are used for patients. In the sports world, you are expected to know many different things (kind of like speaking multiple languages). The more fluent you are so much the better. Our Southern Oregon Sports & Spine team cultivates and uses a wide variety of tools that can include “low force” or “traditional” adjustments, rehab exercises, massage, KinesiotapeÔ, Graston TechniqueÒ and one of my favorites – ARTÒ. ARTÒ or “Active Release Techniques” is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based on manual therapy technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. ARTÒis known throughout sports worldwide.
Practitioners that know this technique go through rigorous training, and become anatomy ninjas – being able to identify and treat exactly what structures are involved.
The next time you are wondering if a sports practitioner is a good match for you – just ask. Chances are they have something to contribute to your health.
Any questions? You can call me at Southern Oregon Sports & Spine (541) 482-0625, and I’ll be happy to talk with you.