
Ashland Neurofeedback & Therapy

Brain Wave Slowing and Significance

When your brain is not working optimally, it is there is often the presence of Abnormal Slow Waves (background slowing) in different areas. There are two main types of slowing, focal and generalized. Generalized slowing in background waves can correlate to developmental slowing in children or adolescents. Other causes are too numerous to list, but common examples include ischemia resulting from stroke, PTSD, traumatic injury, malformations of cortical development, epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, or previous brain injury.

Dr. Mingxiong Huang, a research scientist at VA San Diego, is leading a study at UCSD of veterans with mTBI (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury) and PTSD. Dr. Huang says, “There’s a huge population of Veterans with chronic mTBI and PTSD,” he says. “In fact, studies show that pre-existing mild TBI might double the likelihood of PTSD. The question is why. Treating the mild TBI components might also improve PTSD symptoms. That’s why this research is necessary to understand the interaction between mild TBI and PTSD.”

To quote Dr. Huang, “IASIS, the Greek word for healing or cure, is one in a family of low-intensity, pulse-based electrical brain stimulation techniques. It differs from its counterparts…mainly because it has a lower pulse rate. The low-intensity pulses that IASIS MCN delivers are thought to be more beneficial…for normalizing brain signals, reducing abnormal slow waves, and speeding up the recovery process.” Please note that IASIS MCN is NOT a symptom-based therapy. It is a therapy that dis-entrains stuck patterns in the brain with the frequent side effect of symptom alleviation.

It gives us great joy to see our inspiring clients getting back in the game and enjoying life. How can we support you in achieving your goals? Free releasing support group every other Thursday. For information, call Suzanne at 541 631-8757.


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