
Featured Vendor of the Month: #648

Come have some fun at the Ashland Artisan Emporium!


My name is Nick and I’ve been into collecting and geek pop culture since I was a kid, and pretty much my entire adult career has been spent selling fun things. Finding and sharing awesome things with other people is in my blood. I try very hard to cultivate an entire mini-collection of something before I bring it into the booth. I want somebody, anybody, to see it and get excited about it. Hopefully they can find something they must have and add it to their own collection. In the early days of the booth I knew I was on the right track when I heard a little girl approach my booth and scream, ‘Mommy! Care Bears!” I also try to run the gamut, not just on toys, but also video games, board games, comics, manga, graphic novels, kids books and art. If it’s fun, I try to find a place for it.


Lucky for me, I enjoy the hunt for things almost as much as I enjoy sharing with others. I primarily started looking to fuel my own Star Wars collection but I’d pass by too many great things to not take them home. I just couldn’t leave them to end up unappreciated in a drawer somewhere, or even worse in the landfill. I hope you’ll come by and take a look at what I have. I diligently restock at least once a week and the available items are always changing. Thanks for looking!

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Ashland Artisan Emporium

The Ashland Artisan Emporium is owned by Michelle Christian, wife and mother of 3 daughters. Her husband, Travis, is the business manager for Adroit Construction in Ashland, Oregon. The Emporium was the vision of Michael Rydbom, Michelle's father. In April of 2010, Michael asked his daughter if she would be willing to help transform the old DJ's Video space into a crafter's marketplace. Michelle had always admired her dad's entrepreneurial spirit and was eager to make him proud, so even though she already had two kids, a real estate career and one more daughter on the way, she said yes. On November 1, 2010, the store opened it's doors to a welcome reception from the community. They were voted Best New Business of 2010 only months later by the Ashland Sneak Preview. Within weeks of opening, the store was at capacity and had quickly become the "go-to" store for all things unique and affordable.

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