
Featured Vendor of the Month: Honey Drip Decor

Spring is here and hope is in the air. The vibe at the Emporium is happy and warm, and we are excited to welcome another new vendor to the family. 

Meet Honey Drip Decor, curated by Hanna Winters. Hanna says,


“Honey Drip Decor is a culmination of my personal style and up-to-date trends. My booth features clothing, shoes, house decor knick-knacks, select furniture, handmade decor pillows and my handmade goddess body candles. Everything you see us hand curated or handmade by me. My career as a performing artist and my experience traveling the world has made for a diverse collection of clothing and style. Think modern hip streetwear meets Burning Man meets my Oregon roots. There is something for everyBODY, all genders, and all ages. I hope you find something you love!”

The Emporium continues to thrive during these trying times. We are keeping our doors open seven days a week and we are so humbled by the giving spirit of this community! 

Thank you for your support!  

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Ashland Artisan Emporium

The Ashland Artisan Emporium is owned by Michelle Christian, wife and mother of 3 daughters. Her husband, Travis, is the business manager for Adroit Construction in Ashland, Oregon. The Emporium was the vision of Michael Rydbom, Michelle's father. In April of 2010, Michael asked his daughter if she would be willing to help transform the old DJ's Video space into a crafter's marketplace. Michelle had always admired her dad's entrepreneurial spirit and was eager to make him proud, so even though she already had two kids, a real estate career and one more daughter on the way, she said yes. On November 1, 2010, the store opened it's doors to a welcome reception from the community. They were voted Best New Business of 2010 only months later by the Ashland Sneak Preview. Within weeks of opening, the store was at capacity and had quickly become the "go-to" store for all things unique and affordable.

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