
Featured Vendor: Sharon Gerardi (aka Sharon’s Creative Art), #317

Some of you may recognize Sharon and her husband Paul from the Farmers Market here in Ashland and Medford. They participated in the market for over 6 years. Ready for a change of pace and less demand of their time they joined the Emporium family and created booth #317.

Sharon started her artistic career with wire wrapping hand-picked, one of a kind precious and semi-precious stones. She and Paul have morphed their art into creating driftwood wind chimes, pounded copper book marks, Stem Art Wine charms, and various copper, silver and gold one of a kind jewelry designs. Sharon loves to co-create with her customers with either their own stones or the vast selection she has collected over the years. Just check in at the front desk for information on meeting with Sharon to make your special one of a kind piece.

Sharon and Paul also have vintage jewelry on display and every week something new will be displayed. Collectable items will soon be introduced to their booth so keep checking back to find the treasure you have been looking for.

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Ashland Artisan Emporium

The Ashland Artisan Emporium is owned by Michelle Christian, wife and mother of 3 daughters. Her husband, Travis, is the business manager for Adroit Construction in Ashland, Oregon. The Emporium was the vision of Michael Rydbom, Michelle's father. In April of 2010, Michael asked his daughter if she would be willing to help transform the old DJ's Video space into a crafter's marketplace. Michelle had always admired her dad's entrepreneurial spirit and was eager to make him proud, so even though she already had two kids, a real estate career and one more daughter on the way, she said yes. On November 1, 2010, the store opened it's doors to a welcome reception from the community. They were voted Best New Business of 2010 only months later by the Ashland Sneak Preview. Within weeks of opening, the store was at capacity and had quickly become the "go-to" store for all things unique and affordable.

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