
Getting Unstuck with Releasing and Brain-disentrainment!

How can I help myself?
Suzanne Mark and Daniel Sternberg, PhD. of Ashland Neurofeedback have been teaching deep releasing for decades. Simply put, this is one of the easy to learn tools that help you to change the unhealthy, limiting ways you may be operating. Then, we show you the how-to of letting go which allows you to drop any limiting thought, feeling or belief immediately. Suzanne is teaching Letting Go at OLLI this quarter and in September of 2018.

Our intention is for you to have the ability to FREE YOURSELF from your limitations. Sound too good to be true? Absolutely not. Releasing is actually a natural ability—and once you uncover it—it is yours for life. You can use it anywhere, anytime, in any situation. This works especially well with Neurofeedback. Dr. Julie Anton of UCSD has completed a study that shows how EEG neurofeedback brain disentrainment potentiates the release of “stuckness”. Just imagine for a moment that you are falling into a familiar pattern. This pattern may be nothing more than an old memory of limitation that may not actually be here now. Look around, right now, and ask yourself: “Do I really have that problem or limitation IN THIS MOMENT? (Is it here now?)” Almost always, the answer is “No”.

Why work at the level of the feelings? As Eckhart Tolle observes, “feelings are where the body and the mind intersect”. As your feelings shift, you’ll experience profound shifts in the body and mind. You will find yourself dropping the patterns and limitations that used to drive you crazy – sometimes gradually, and sometimes with amazing speed. This is possible because freedom is your natural state, and once your brain is retrained, it becomes even easier.

After years of struggling to be happy in the world, Lester Levinson, the inspiration behind Releasing and The Sedona Method, realized the true, unlimited nature of his being. In the deep compassion of his “unlimited-ness”, he inspired others to share this experience. He wanted people everywhere to have a simple way to accept the freedom of their true nature. This may seem a lofty concept – but it becomes amazingly easy once you are letting go of your perceived limitations. It is FUN. You become lighter, happier and more at ease. What if you could actually live as the beautiful, peaceful, creative being that you already are without waiting?                                                                                                                                                              

At Ashland Neurofeedback, we have seen that the combination of brain-disentrainment and releasing is the “Secret Sauce” that allows people to get unstuck. Please call for a free consultation to see if it is right for you.

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