
Bloomsbury March Author Readings

Thursday March 5th 7:00 pm

Discover the Upside of Down: Investment Strategies for Volatile Times

By Ron Coby

Discover the Upside of Down enlightens readers and give them investment strategies for both protection and profits. Chapters include information on the hot button economic topics of today and for the foreseeable future: oil, gold, real estate, stocks, the dollar, the U.S. and global economies and the future outlook from a longterm viewpoint for each. A timely book with a timely message, this book targets the investor concerned about maintaining their investments during volatile times.


Thursday March 19th 7:00 pm

The Odyssey of Sunraker

(Why Would a Successful Doctor Chuck it All and Sail Around the World?)

by Arthur Graham Howard


Many men harbor a dream to get away from it all and sail the seven seas. But how many are really crazy enough to do it? The subtitle of this book is: What would make a successful doctor chuck it all and sail around the world? To find this answer became its own painful odyssey, because as Thoreau put I: “It is easier to sail many thousands of miles Through cold and storm and cannibals Than it is to explore the private sea, The Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of one’s own being.”

Friday March 26th 7:00 pm

Toxic Truth: A Scientist, A Doctor and the Battle Over Lead

By Lydia Denworth


Clair Patterson, a geochemist, traveled from Greenland to New Zealand to measure the composition of rock, ice, and rain. Herbert Needleman, a psychiatrist, measured children’s performance in poor urban schools. By the 1960s and 1970s their work revealed that mankind was filling the world with lead, a toxic substance that was doing irreparable harm to children.
Patterson and Needleman’s discoveries and their willingness to take on the lead industry helped bring about the banning of lead from paint, gasoline, and food packaging, beginning in the late 1970s.
In Toxic Truth, journalist Lydia Denworth tells both men’s fascinating stories while also documenting the lead industry’s well-funded efforts to discredit and silence them. Ultimately, science prevailed. But along the way, these two men and their allies redefined how we conceive of disease, contaminants, and public safety. Their courageous fight offers a lesson on the dangers of choosing corporate interests over public health.

All Events are Free and Open to the Public


Bloomsbury Books

290 East Main Street

Ashland Oregon



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Shields Bialasik

Hi, I am Shields. I am the creator or LocalsGuide. The mission or my company is to provide a positive media platform for my community which in turn makes it stronger and more resilient. I hope you will enjoy and feel inspired to start your own LocalsGuide in your town or community.

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