
Exceptionally Mild Summer

What an amazing difference we can have from one year to the next here in Southern Oregon.  It’s one of the many reasons why no matter what your gardening practices may be you can have completely different results each year.  It can make gardening challenging but also fun.  There’s very little reward when you don’t have a few bumps in the road.  Last summer all I remember is hot, humid, smoky days.  This summer has been exceptionally mild overall.  With the early spring rains and continual moisture on and off throughout early summer it’s really made for a great gardening year.  I hope that in your own gardens you’ve noticed a difference in your plants.  Unlike summers in the past where the arid heat can cause flowers to fade and drop bloom this summer’s flowers have been bright, abundant, and continue to perform well.  Make sure to cutback or deadhead annuals and perennials throughout the next few months to encourage more bloom cycles.  

August gives us a peek ahead into fall as we plant fall veggies and pansies here at the greenhouses.  We’ve got a few new varieties of each and are anxious to hear what you think of them.  This is also the time of year that we’re putting together our lists for next spring’s crops.  If you’ve had success or disappointment with your plants we’d love to know.  So far our biggest increase in popularity has been lantana and for good reason.  It’s a proven show stopper for our climate.  Great performance, color, and to top it off the deer tend to leave it alone.  Some new colors will be available next season along with other new plant varieties… something to look forward to!

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Ashland Greenhouses

Ashland Greenhouses is located at 650 E Ashland Lane just off of Butler Creek Road in Ashland. We are open daily. Please visit our website or give us a call to learn more.

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