
For the Love

This evening I went to the Lithia Artisans Market Christmas faire and I have to say.. that I feel a very warm feeling when I go there.

To do something simply for the sake of self expression has to be one of the greatest things to witness and be in the presence of… and I see this occurring everytime I visit with the Artisans.

Beyond, lifestyle, and pure skill is a deep love for self expression.  I get such a huge smile inside me when I think about this because so much of how I have created what I have done today has been based in the roots of working and building style within a community that supported this type of expression.

For example, When I was doing the market about 6 years ago myself selling greeting cards and journals it was the ultimate experiement of just being available and real to the moment.

Idea after idea I would think up and then I would go out and test it.  Did people like, how would they react to it.  What would they say?  And needless to say its a fine tunning process that all of the artisans move thru in building their craft.  Some days were very good, many were minimal.. but we always came back to do it again and again.. and one of the main reasons more than anything would probably be the mere companionship of the other artisans.

Anyhow…  what a great pleasure it is for me always to get to see so much creativity.

Then I cruised over to the coop.. I always get very lonely feeling right around the Umpqua bank and armory as if someone has been lost and waiting to get home for a long time….Any one else ever sence this?

Inside the Coop for a quick drink and then outside to meet Justin who was moon gazing in the middle of the walk way. I should have his picture up later today.

Thats it for now.


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Shields Bialasik

Hi, I am Shields. I am the creator or LocalsGuide. The mission or my company is to provide a positive media platform for my community which in turn makes it stronger and more resilient. I hope you will enjoy and feel inspired to start your own LocalsGuide in your town or community.

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