
Honey Bee 101: Introduction to the Honey Bee

Thursday, May 26 · 6:30 to 8:00pm
Northwest Nature Shop
154 Oak St., Ashland

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Introduction to the Honey Bee. In the first part of the three part series I will discuss the history and the basics of the honey bee. I will discuss the fascinating history that humans have had with honey bees, dating back to ancient Egyptian times, how the bees came to America, and finally how they ended up in our back yards and orchards. I will also discuss the biology of the honey bee; including life cycle, jobs during a bee’s life, and roles of the queen, worker, and drone.

Honey Bee 101: Honey Bee Products and Apitherapy

Thursday, June 2 · 6:30 to 8:00pm
Northwest Nature Shop

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In part two of the series, I will discuss how honey bees play a part in our lives every day. Did you know that honey bees pollinate 1/3 of the food that we eat? I will also discuss what products like bee pollen, propolis and royal jelly , where they come from and what they are said to do for us. And finally everyone’s favorite bee product, honey. What is honey? How do bees make it? What are the nutritional and medicinal values?

Honey Bee 101: Honey Bee Keeping

Thursday, June 9 · 6:30 to 8:00pm
Northwest Nature Shop

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In the final part of the series, I will discuss the art of beekeeping. Topics will include why we need beekeepers, both commercial and hobbyist, what you need to start your own beehive, and where you can look for these supplies. A slide show presentation of how to inspect your hive will be part of the talk. Finally, I will discuss honey bee hive health, what issues you need to be aware of, such as Colony Collapse Disorder, and also what diseases you can treat, and how to treat them.

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Shields Bialasik

Hi, I am Shields. I am the creator or LocalsGuide. The mission or my company is to provide a positive media platform for my community which in turn makes it stronger and more resilient. I hope you will enjoy and feel inspired to start your own LocalsGuide in your town or community.

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