
Local Recycling Brings West Coasts Most Affordable Biodiesel to Rogue Valley

Local Recycling Brings West Coast’s Most Affordable Biodiesel to Rogue Valley

February 16, 2009 Â·

A delivery of local recycled biodiesel to Rising Phoenix Biofuels is happening on Tuesday, February 17th at 12:00 noon. This is the only recycled biodiesel available on a retail level in Southern Oregon and will allow Rising Phoenix to sell the most affordable and sustainable biodiesel on the West Coast at $2.99 a gallon. We welcome anyone interested in learning more about local biodiesel opportunities to attend our fill-up celebration.

The most affordable biodiesel on the West Coast is now available through a collaboration between Rising Phoenix Biofuels (, Sequential Biofuels (, and local restaurants. This business model supports local businesses by making a commodity of their waste oil, and keeps this valuable resource within our community to fuel our diesel vehicles and machinery. When you eat at participating restaurants, not only are your dollars helping a family business, but your food waste is being used to clean the air and water for our children. Just bring in a receipt from participating restaurants and receive an additional 10 cents off per gallon. Sequential Biofuels pays participating establishments a competitive rate for their used cooking oil, which is then converted into 100% ASTM-certified biodiesel that can be used in any diesel engine. This locally produced biodiesel is then sold at a 24-hour retail station at Rising Phoenix Biofuels in Phoenix.  Offering a 50 cent PUC and off-road discount makes this an affordable alternative to diesel fuel for cars, trucks, farm equipment, home heating systems, and all diesel machinery. Not only does biodiesel clean injectors, boost cetane and improve lubricity, this investment in domestic fuel keeps all our dollars within our local economy, which is much more valuable than saving 10% and sending profits overseas to foreign dictators. Buying biodiesel supports American jobs, farmers, and energy independence for our children.

Biodiesel is a completely biodegradable, non-toxic, fuel derived from plants. The glycerin is removed via a simple chemical process, producing an ASTM-certified fuel that surpasses all modern engine requirements. It reduces carbon dioxide emissions, comes from a variety of local crops, and can even be produced from algae, or recycled cooking oil. Rising Phoenix Biofuels is Oregon’s first biodiesel station, the first on the I-5 to change the signage laws to accept biodiesel, the only 24-hour biodiesel in the state, and now the West Coast’s most affordable biodiesel. Sequential Biofuels is a local biodiesel producer that uses recycled and locally grown canola oil in the most sustainable commercial production facility on the West Coast. While there is much debate about growing corn for ethanol and soy for biodiesel, noone can deny the economic, environmental, and social benefits of using a “waste” product to fuel our engines. Sequential Biofuels welcomes interested businesses and is always looking for more oil collection accounts through their collection company Encore Oils ( Rising Phoenix Biofuels encourages fleets and municipalities to make the switch to low biodiesel blends before the state mandate requires it in 2009. We can help answer any questions or concerns about biodiesel.

For more information or to schedule an interview please call
David Tourzan of Rising Phoenix Biofuels (541) 324-6695

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Rising Phoenix Biofuels is Oregon's First Biodiesel Station that does not serve gasoline. We are not a gas station, and we are committed to sustainable choices in all our business decisions. If you are travelling from Washington to California, or passing by on the I-5, please stop by and share in this growing market for alternative fuels. We have a beautiful location with a creek, meadow for picnics, organic gardens, nursery, and eco-building warehouse. Come spend a few hours learning about the future of sustainable business, and see a practical application of 21st century technologies.

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