
Myofascial Release – Your Body Functions Best as an Integrated Whole

We are organic in our nature. Our bodies developed in the round nest of the womb, our muscles winding to connect to our bones, our anatomical structure is not linear in fact, it is circular and woven. Our arms spiral, our hips rotate. Our tissues are dynamic, a matrix of woven planes of fascia that are connected. Ideally we have symmetry and equal strength and tension in left and right, front and back. Depending on the function, these connective tissues, your fascia, work together to produce specific actions. There are different densities and pliabilities to fascia each with a different function all working together to move as a whole. Ideally each plane of fascia is delivered resources, and knowing who it is meant to be.

We want a highly functional fascial system. We want our bodies to spring and bounce and be able to withstand the active lives we want and can lead. Our tissues want to have enough room at a cellular level to be nourished by fresh blood, to be able to repair damage and take out the waste. We want our tissues healthy which means that each part is playing its role. Each muscle, tendon, ligament, organ is living its purpose, functioning as a part of your team in your internal community. In order to function at your potential, you want your body to know each and every part of itself, and to release any restrictions that inhibit the function of the fascia.

The muscles are held in a wrapping of fascia at the muscle cell, fiber, bundle, individual muscle and group of muscles. The fascia can also become injured or damaged, and during the repair process can create scar tissue, in excess. Adhesions, inflammation, pain, tender, hard and hot to the touch are indications there may be fascial restriction.

Myofascial Release is a modality that effectively releases the fascial system, it is deep and gentle, it helps to create positive structural change so that the fascia becomes more organized, fluid and in tensegrity: equal positive tension.

Myofascial Release is a gentle and deep, highly effective Myo, Muscle and Fascial Therapy that relieves pain, inflammation and internal scarring from trauma or injury. Healing the fascia, freeing the tissues that create you allows you to find your full range of motion, balances the pelvic torsion, and releases the straight jacket. within the fascial planes that become bound and rigid. The way that you walk is positively affected, your gate will be looser. A more even balanced pelvis allows the spine to be in alignment and the legs to function properly. The foundation of the feet, ankles and calves become more grounded to set up the architecture of the rest of the body.

Angela is a Myofascial Release Therapist with over 20 years of experience. She treats your symptoms at the source. Find greater ease, freedom and peace in your Body with MFR at Sol Bodyworks.

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