
Hot August Days

Summer is in full force as we move into August, and our gardens are feeling it. Our valley and beyond saw some incredibly hot days in July, with nights that didn’t feel much cooler. This kind of heat can really wreak havoc in your garden spaces and affect even your shaded areas. Hydration, hydration, hydration!! Not only do your plants need water, so do all my gardening friends! So, a quick reminder to you all to be careful while working out in the sun and extreme heat and to hydrate and take multiple “cooling” breaks.

Keeping your plants alive and looking good during the hottest months can be a huge challenge. We struggle with that here at the Greenhouses as well. Deep watering in the morning helps your plants get through the hottest part of the day and a quick drink in the early evening can help as well. Be very careful when watering, we tend to think that in the heat our plants want more and more water but for some plants too much water can cause just as much damage as not enough. It is a fine line and doing a bit of research about water requirements of your plants might take a little time, but you will be glad you did it.

Here at the Greenhouses, we carry some beautiful drought tolerant plants that are available now. A few great examples are Yarrow, Evening Primrose, Russian Sage, Gaura, Salvia, as well as our stonecrop and Day Lillies. We also carry a nice selection of herbs that are perfect for hot sunny areas. Not only are these plants drought tolerant they are also great for attracting pollinators to your spaces! Don’t forget that your pollinators need water as well. Having a spot for bees, birds, and butterflies to land and hydrate is vital this time of year.

Before you know it, fall will be here and we will be ready with perfect fall plants to freshen up, or create a beautiful fall garden. We will be stocking new fun metal garden art and caring for our incredible poinsettias. Every season is exciting and full of wonder here at the Greenhouses and we love to talk about gardening with you all. So come on by and say Hello!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram or check out our website at for information on our events, availability list and classes, as well as employment opportunities.

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Ashland Greenhouses

Ashland Greenhouses is located at 650 E Ashland Lane just off of Butler Creek Road in Ashland. We are open daily. Please visit our website or give us a call to learn more.

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