
Raindrop Technique – Want to Measure ½ Inch Taller?

I recently took a Raindrop Technique course. Raindrop is a powerful treatment using essential oils that are anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.  Nine oils are applied to the spine in a fashion that stimulates the nervous system for optimal absorption.  These oils potentially can remove viruses that live on the spine that can cause scoliosis and degeneration.  Essential oils contain some of the highest anti-viral constituents available.

Raindrop technique was developed by Dr. Gary Young in the 1980s.  It combines several holistic modalities to bring balance and alignment to the body in a non-invasive manner.  It also stimulates all the body systems on a physical, emotional and vibrational level.  Raindrop Technique is a method of using Vita Flex, reflexology, massage techniques, and essential oils applied on the feet, back and neck to align the spine structurally and energetically.  It is designed to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit with its relaxing and mild application, as the aromas travel up to the limbic system.

Raindrop Technique is great alone but I also love incorporating Raindrop in my back treatments with acupuncture for my patients.  Raindrop enhances acupuncture treatments for back pain by up to 10 times!  The essential oils also have a positive effect on the major organ channels that are located on either side of the spine.

The most amazing thing about Raindrop is that all of my clients measure taller after just one session! Yeah!

• Ease Muscle, Bone, and Joint Discomfort –Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress and Peppermint – relaxes muscles and reduces inflammation.
• Improve Immune System Functions – Thyme and Oregano essential oils support the immune system and aid in the release of toxins.  This will contribute positively to your overall health and well being.
• Emotional Well Being and Release – Essential oils cross the blood-brain barrier and effect the limbic system where emotions are stored in the “brain’s emotional computer.”
• Help Detox the Body Systems – The oils are high in phenols, which cleanse cellular receptor sites and enhance the lymphatic system’s detox of the body.

I’m now offering Raindrop Technique sessions at my clinic.  These sessions can be done with or without acupuncture.

With acupuncture- just $25 in addition to my regular acupuncture treatment costs.
Without acupuncture – I am offering a discount rate for just Raindrop Technique for the month of December for only $55.

* Gift Certificates are available as this makes for a wonderful Christmas gift.

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Siskiyou Clinic of Natural Medicine

At Siskiyou Clinic of Natural Medicine we provide gentle, effective therapies to help our patients prevent and recover from illness, find relief from injury, post-operative recovery and achieve optimal health. Using traditional acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicines, and massage we work skillfully and compassionately with our patients to restore physicial and mental vitality, resiliance and well-being. Siskiyou Clinic of Natural Medicine is located in beautiful Ashland, Oregon among the gentle Siskiyou Mountains of Southern Oregon. Appointments in Ashland can be scheduled by calling 541-482-7056, and in Medford at 541-776-2333.

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